Harness the Power of Azure Purview: 10 Best Features, Benefits, Use Cases, and Best Practices

azure purview

Harness the Power of Azure Purview: Key Features, Benefits, Use Cases and Best Practices

What is Azure Purview?

Azure Purview is a comprehensive data governance solution that helps organizations discover, understand, and manage their data across on-premises, multi-cloud, and SaaS environments. 

With Azure Purview, businesses can automate the discovery, classification, and management of sensitive data, streamline data discovery for analytics, and achieve regulatory compliance. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key features, benefits, and use cases of Azure Purview, as well as best practices for implementing this powerful solution in your organization.

Key Features 

In the below section, we’ll explore the key features of Azure Purview for this powerful solution in your organization:

Data Maps and Data Catalog

Azure Purview’s Data Map and Data Catalog visually represent your data landscape, enabling you to discover and understand the relationships between different data sources easily. 

The Data Map automatically finds and catalogs data across your organization, regardless of where it’s stored. At the same time, the Data Catalog allows you to search and access metadata about your data assets. This feature simplifies data discovery and helps users find relevant data sets for analytics and decision-making.

Automated Data Discovery

Azure Purview automates discovering and cataloging data across your organization, including on-premises, multi-cloud, and SaaS environments. 

By scanning and indexing data sources in real-time, Purview ensures that your data catalog is always up to date, making it easier for users to find and access the data they need for analytics and reporting. 

Automated data discovery also helps organizations maintain an accurate inventory of their data assets, essential for effective data governance and regulatory compliance.

Data Classification and Sensitivity Labels

Azure Purview’s data classification feature automatically identifies and classifies sensitive data based on over 100 built-in classifiers, such as credit card numbers, email addresses, and social security numbers.

Additionally, you can create custom classifiers to detect specific types of sensitive data unique to your organization. Purview also integrates with Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) sensitivity labels, enabling you to apply consistent data protection policies across your data assets. 

This feature helps organizations meet regulatory requirements and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Data Lineage Visualization

Azure Purview provides data lineage visualization, allowing you to understand the data flow through your organization and trace the origins of specific data elements. 

By tracking the movement and transformation of data, Purview helps you identify potential data quality issues, streamline data management processes, and ensure that your analytics and reporting are based on accurate and reliable data. 

Data lineage visualization is essential for effective data governance and can help organizations meet regulatory requirements for data traceability.

Integration with Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Purview integrates seamlessly with Azure Synapse Analytics, Microsoft’s integrated analytics service that combines big data and data warehousing. 

Connecting your Purview Data Catalog with Synapse enables users to discover and access relevant data sets directly from Synapse workspaces. This integration simplifies data discovery for analytics and accelerates time-to-insight by providing a unified experience for working with data across your organization.

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Support

Azure Purview supports data discovery and cataloging across various environments, including on-premises, multi-cloud, and SaaS applications. 

This flexibility allows organizations to maintain a comprehensive view of their data landscape, regardless of where their data is stored. By providing a unified solution for data governance across different environments, Purview helps organizations streamline data management and reduce the complexity of working with data in a hybrid or multi-cloud world.

Data Access and Sharing Controls

Azure Purview enables organizations to define and enforce granular data access and sharing policies based on user roles, data sensitivity, and other criteria. 

By integrating with Azure Active Directory, Purview allows you to manage data access permissions using the same identity and access management (IAM) platform you already use for other Azure services. 

RBAC feature ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data, helping organizations maintain compliance with data protection regulations and reduce the risk of data breaches.

Regulatory Compliance Support

Azure Purview is designed to help organizations meet regulatory requirements for data protection, privacy, and governance. By automating the discovery, classification, and management of sensitive data, Purview simplifies the process of achieving compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA. 

Moreover, Purview is built on Azure and compliant with over 90 global, industry-specific, and regional standards. Microsoft’s security, privacy, and compliance commitment supports your data governance solution.

Integration with Power BI

Azure Purview integrates with Power BI, Microsoft’s popular business intelligence and analytics platform, to streamline data discovery and access for analytics. 

Connecting your Purview Data Catalog with Power BI lets users quickly discover and access the data they need to create reports and dashboards without leaving the Power BI interface. This integration enhances the overall user experience and drives faster, data-driven decision-making.

Extensibility and Customization

Azure Purview offers a range of extensibility and customization options to tailor the solution to your organization’s specific needs. 

With Purview’s RESTful APIs and SDKs, you can integrate Purview with your existing data management and analytics tools, automate workflows, and build custom data governance applications. 

This flexibility allows you to maximize the value of your investment in Purview and ensure that your data governance solution aligns with your unique business requirements.


In this below section, we’ll explore the benefits of Azure Purview solution in your organization:

Improved Data Governance

Azure Purview provides a comprehensive solution for data governance, enabling organizations to discover, classify, and manage their data assets more effectively. 

By automating key governance processes and providing a unified view of your data landscape, Purview helps you maintain control over your data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. Improved data governance can lead to better decision-making, increased efficiency, and reduced risk.

Enhanced Data Security and Privacy

Azure Purview’s automated data classification and sensitivity labeling features help organizations identify and protect sensitive data across their environments. 

By applying consistent data protection policies and enforcing granular access controls, Purview enables you to safeguard sensitive information and maintain compliance with data privacy regulations. Data classification and labeling features can reduce the risk of data security breaches and protect an organization’s reputation.

Faster Data Discovery and Access

Azure Purview simplifies data discovery by visually representing your data landscape and a searchable data catalog. 

By enabling users to quickly find and access the data they need for analytics and reporting, Purview helps accelerate time-to-insight and drive data-driven decision-making.

Streamlined Analytics and Reporting

By integrating with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI, Azure Purview streamlines the process of accessing data for analytics and reporting. 

This integration enables users to discover and access relevant data sets directly from their analytics workspaces, which optimizes the time and effort required to gather and analyze data.

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Support

Azure Purview’s support for multi-cloud and hybrid environments allows organizations to maintain a comprehensive view of their data landscape, regardless of where their data is stored. 

This flexibility enables organizations to manage their data in a complex, a distributed environment more effectively and reduces the challenges associated with data governance in a multi-cloud world.

Reduced IT Complexity

By providing a single, unified solution for data governance across on-premises, multi-cloud, and SaaS environments, Azure Purview helps organizations reduce the complexity of managing their data landscape. 

This simplification can lead to increased efficiency, reduced IT costs, and more time for your IT team to focus on strategic initiatives that drive business growth.

Improved Data Quality

Azure Purview’s data lineage visualization and automated data discovery features help organizations identify potential data quality issues and ensure their analytics and reporting are based on accurate, reliable data. 

By providing insights into the movement and transformation of data, Purview enables organizations to improve data quality and trust in their data assets, leading to better decision-making and more accurate insights.

Enhanced Collaboration and Data Sharing

Azure Purview allows users to share data sets and collaborate on analytics projects by providing a central location for discovering and accessing data. 

This enhanced collaboration can lead to more effective teamwork, faster decision-making, and increased organizational innovation.

Scalable and Flexible Data Governance Solution

Azure Purview is built on a scalable and flexible Azure platform, which means it can grow and adapt to your organization’s data governance needs. 

As your data landscape evolves and your data governance requirements change, Purview can scale and adapt to support your organization’s unique requirements, ensuring that your investment in data governance remains relevant and valuable.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Azure Purview is designed to help organizations meet regulatory requirements for data protection, privacy, and governance. 

By providing a comprehensive solution for discovering, classifying, and managing sensitive data, Purview enables organizations to demonstrate compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA, which can reduce the risk of fines and penalties.

Use Cases

In this below section, we’ll explore the use cases of Azure Purview solution in your organization:

Financial Services

In the financial services industry, organizations must ensure and follow security and privacy guidelines to protect sensitive customer data while complying with strict regulatory requirements. 

Azure Purview can help financial institutions automate the discovery, classification, and management of sensitive data, enabling them to more effectively protect customer information and demonstrate compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. 

Additionally, Purview’s data lineage visualization can help financial organizations trace the origins of specific data elements and maintain accurate records for auditing and regulatory purposes.


Healthcare organizations manage large volumes of sensitive patient data and are subject to strict privacy regulations like HIPAA. 

Azure Purview can help healthcare organizations automate the discovery and classification of sensitive patient information, ensuring that data is protected according to regulatory requirements. 

Additionally, Purview’s integration with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI can help healthcare organizations streamline their analytics and reporting processes, enabling them to gain insights into patient outcomes and improve the quality of care.

Retail and E-commerce

Retail and e-commerce companies must manage large volumes of customer data, including sensitive personal and financial information. 

Azure Purview can help these organizations automate the discovery and classification of sensitive customer data, enabling them to protect customer information more and maintain compliance with data protection regulations. 

By integrating with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI, Purview can also help retail and e-commerce companies gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, which enables companies to make data-driven decisions and optimize their products and operations.


Manufacturing organizations must often manage complex supply chains and production data to optimize operations and reduce costs. 

Azure Purview can help manufacturers discover, classify, and manage their data assets, enabling them to analyze their operations and make data-driven decisions more effectively. 

Additionally, Purview’s data lineage visualization can help manufacturing organizations trace the origins of specific data elements and maintain accurate records for quality control and compliance purposes.

Energy and Utilities

Energy and utility companies need to manage large volumes of data related to infrastructure, resource consumption, and customer billing. 

Azure Purview can help these organizations automate the discovery and classification of sensitive data, ensuring that data is protected according to regulatory requirements. 

Additionally, Purview’s integration with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI can help energy and utility companies streamline their analytics and reporting processes, enabling them to gain insights into resource consumption patterns and optimize their operations.

Government and Public Sector

Government and public sector organizations manage large volumes of sensitive data on citizens and public services. 

Azure Purview can help these organizations automate the discovery and classification of sensitive data, enabling them to protect citizen information more and maintain compliance with data protection regulations. 

Additionally, Purview’s data lineage visualization can help government organizations trace the origins of specific data elements and maintain accurate records for auditing and regulatory purposes.


Telecommunications companies must manage large volumes of customer and network data to optimize their services and maintain customer satisfaction. 

Azure Purview can help these organizations automate the discovery and classification of sensitive customer data, ensuring that data is protected according to regulatory requirements. 

Additionally, Purview’s integration with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI can help telecommunications companies gain insights into network performance and customer behavior, which allow enterprises to make data-driven decisions and optimize their products and operations.

Media and Entertainment

Media and entertainment companies must manage large volumes of content and customer data to deliver personalized experiences and maintain customer engagement. 

Azure Purview can help these organizations automate the discovery and classification of sensitive customer data, enabling them to protect customer information more and maintain compliance with data protection regulations. 

Additionally, Purview’s integration with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI can help media and entertainment companies gain insights into content performance and customer preferences, which allows companies to make data-driven decisions and optimize their products and operations.


Educational institutions must manage large volumes of student and faculty data to optimize operations and ensure student success. 

Azure Purview can help these organizations automate the discovery and classification of sensitive data, ensuring that data is protected according to regulatory requirements. 

Additionally, Purview’s integration with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI can help educational institutions streamline their analytics and reporting processes, enabling them to gain insights into student performance and make data-driven decisions to improve educational outcomes.

Research and Development

Research and development organizations often need to manage large volumes of complex data related to scientific experiments, clinical trials, and product development. 

Azure Purview can help these organizations discover, classify, and manage their data assets, enabling them to analyze their research and make data-driven decisions more effectively. 

Additionally, Purview’s data lineage visualization can help research organizations trace the origins of specific data elements and maintain accurate records for quality control and compliance purposes.

Best Practices for Azure Purview Implementation

When implementing Azure Purview in your organization, it’s essential to follow best practices to maximize the value of your data governance solution:

  1. Define clear data governance goals and objectives to ensure Purview meets your organization’s requirements.
  2. Involve key stakeholders from across your organization to ensure a successful implementation and foster a data-driven culture. Regularly review and update your data classification policies, sensitivity labels, and access controls to maintain compliance with evolving regulatory requirements.
  3. Leverage Purview’s extensibility and customization options to integrate the solution with your existing data management and analytics tools. Automate workflows to drive efficiency and effectiveness in your data governance processes.

Ensuring Security and Compliance with Azure Purview

In today’s data-driven world, organizations must prioritize data security and compliance to protect sensitive information and adhere to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements. 

Azure Purview, a comprehensive data governance solution, provides organizations with the necessary tools to discover, classify, and manage data across their environments, enabling them to maintain data security and meet compliance standards. 

This article will explore how Azure Purview helps organizations address security and compliance challenges. We’ll also delve into the key features and benefits that make Purview a robust solution for modern data governance.

Data Discovery and Classification

One of the core challenges in ensuring data security and compliance is identifying and classifying sensitive data across disparate sources. Azure Purview addresses this challenge with its automated data discovery and classification capabilities. 

It scans data sources, including on-premises, multi-cloud, and SaaS environments. It uses over 100 built-in classifiers to identify and label sensitive data such as credit card numbers, email addresses, and Social Security numbers.

Purview’s custom classifiers allow organizations to create classification rules based on specific business requirements or regulatory standards. This helps ensure that sensitive data is appropriately labeled and protected, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. 

Furthermore, the Purview Data Map visually represents the discovered data assets, allowing stakeholders to quickly understand the data landscape and make informed decisions about data security and compliance.

Data Access and Security Policies

Azure Purview enables organizations to implement granular data access controls, ensuring only authorized users can access sensitive information. 

By integrating with Azure Private Link, Purview provides secure access to its Data Map and Purview Data Catalog over a private network connection, preventing data exposure to the public internet.

Purview’s integration with Azure Policy enables organizations to establish and enforce data security policies across their Azure environments. For example, administrators can create policies restricting access to specific types of sensitive data or requiring certain sensitivity labels for data stored in particular locations. 

This ensures that data is protected according to regulatory requirements and internal security standards.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Azure Purview helps organizations maintain compliance with various data protection compliance regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA. Its automated data classification capabilities enable organizations to identify and protect sensitive data subject to these regulations, and its access controls help prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of regulated information.

Purview’s data lineage visualization feature provides organizations with a clear understanding of how data flows through their systems, enabling them to demonstrate compliance with data processing requirements. 

Additionally, Purview supports data retention and deletion policies, ensuring organizations meet data storage and disposal requirements outlined by relevant regulations.

Auditing and Monitoring

Organizations must continuously monitor and audit their data governance activities to maintain a secure and compliant data environment. 

Azure Purview provides extensive auditing and monitoring capabilities, including integration with Azure Monitor, which allows organizations to collect and analyze logs related to data discovery, classification, and access.

With Purview’s activity logs, organizations can track user actions and changes to data classifications, sensitivity labels, and access controls. 

This information can be invaluable for identifying potential security incidents or compliance violations and enables organizations to demonstrate their commitment to data protection during audits and assessments.

Collaboration and Data Sharing

Azure Purview facilitates secure data sharing and collaboration between teams, departments, and external organizations. Users can quickly discover, understand, and share data assets while maintaining data security and compliance by integrating with Azure Purview Data Catalog.

Purview ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive information by enforcing access controls and security policies when sharing data. Users can collaborate on data classification and labeling, which lets organizations maintain a consistent approach to data security across teams and departments. 

Purview also provides a unified platform for data governance, allowing stakeholders to collaborate on data-related projects while keeping sensitive information secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Integration with Other Azure Services

Azure Purview integrates with various Azure services, enabling organizations to implement comprehensive data security and compliance solutions across their Azure environments. Some key integrations include:

  • Azure Synapse Analytics: Purview’s integration with Azure Synapse Analytics allows users to discover, understand, and use data assets in their Synapse workspaces while maintaining data security and compliance.
  • Azure Machine Learning: By integrating with Azure Machine Learning, Purview helps organizations maintain compliance and data security when developing and deploying machine learning models.
  • Azure Logic Apps: Purview’s integration with Azure Logic Apps enables organizations to automate data governance workflows, such as updating classifications and sensitivity labels, to ensure data security and compliance.

These integrations help organizations streamline their data governance processes and maintain a secure and compliant data environment across their entire Azure ecosystem.


Azure Purview offers a comprehensive and powerful solution to address security and compliance challenges in today’s data-driven world. Its robust features include automated data discovery and classification, access controls and security policies, compliance with regulatory standards, auditing and monitoring, collaboration and data sharing, and integration with other Azure services.

Purview empowers organizations to protect sensitive information, maintain compliance with regulatory standards, and foster a secure data culture. As organizations navigate the complexities of data governance, Azure Purview remains an essential tool for ensuring data security and compliance in the modern data landscape.

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